31 Art Prompts

31 Art Prompts

Here’s a post to combat something artists know too well: the dreaded artist’s block.

You could be a great author, painter, composer, songwriter, actor, anything – but perhaps you just can’t think of a way to express it. You want to do something, but what can you do?

Have a look at this list of prompts that I’ve collated for use, as I face artist’s block way too often. 31 prompts to last a month, and by then I might have posted more.

You are welcome to use any (or all) of these prompts for any purpose.

31. A typical day
30. Confusion
29. The night
28. A child’s dreams
27. If only…
26. Constrained freedom
25. Secrets of an open book
24. Injustice
23. What makes you smile?
22. A contagious laugh
21. What will the world be like in a thousand years’ time?
20. Apocalypse
19. A golden age
18. Corruption
17. Contentment
16. Half way there
15. Intangible
14. What is your motto?
13. Your favourite things
12. Paradox
11. The best things in life
10. Intimidation
9. Independence
8. Fear and bravery
7. What’s on your mind right now?
6. Innocence
5. What does the world around you look like?
4. Something eternal
3. Perseverance
2. Near the finish line
1. Victory

May you find something that you could make a work of art with, and perhaps share it with others to inspire them as well.

You can share what you’ve made with me through the contact form, if you wish.

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