So, who am I?

Sometimes I barely know that answer myself.

Enwyn is my pen name. Call me that, or call me something else if you wish, as I often say.

I am at a loss as to how to describe who I am. To start with, I must say I am quite a contradiction, preferring the best of both worlds. For this reason some find it difficult to figure me out, and I find it difficult to explain myself to them. I am often described as a mystery, but perhaps that stems from my tendency to withdraw and disclose minimal information whenever I interact.

A fact you might find interesting is that I am synesthetic, and I also have persisting issues with depression, social communication disorders, psychosis, and multiple personalities, to name a few. By the way, my issues with the latter was part of the inspiration for the name of this blog. And yes, I do also refer to the electronic device multiplexer.

I have a few rather widespread interests. I enjoy the arts, such as designing, digital painting, writing, and composing music, but I also delight in more technical aspects, such as programming, gaming, computer science, and logical thinking. Furthermore, I tend to explore philosophical viewpoints, mythology, and languages. What I blog about here will generally be related to one or more of these; other topics I would not have the knowledge nor the interest to discuss.

Oh yes, how old am I? Well…make your best guess and let me know, I’ll tell you then.

What else can I say? I prefer for others to get to know me by speaking with me, or reading what I write. Writing an autobiography is a shot in the dark to me, as there are countless things to tell that might or might not be relevant to the reader.

As always, I am open to questions if there is anything you wish to know.

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