For lack of a better title

Recently I got reminded…that I have a blog!

Jokes, I have not forgotten, although I cannot guarantee regular posting. This is only a hobby of mine and routines never work out with me.

Now I don’t have many great music recommendations, but this song has been stuck in my head the past few days. It wouldn’t hurt to share.

I enjoy fantasy music, any type of it. I just feel there is something about music that expresses things in a way nothing else can. Music is a language itself.

If you’re a believer in personality types, that would be because of my Ne core – having an internal extraverted* intuition causes me to savour those inexplicable feelings you simply can’t put into words. Or something along that line. I have not been revising the MBTI.

What are some of your favourite songs?

*It is extraverted, not extroverted, and I insist upon that, although the web browser suggests otherwise. Perhaps that will be a post for another day.

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